Gainsborough Family Chiropractic
Ready For Your Test Results?
It was great meeting you today.
On your next visit we are going to be reviewing the results of your examination we did on today's visit.
The information we get from the Bio-Structural Examination helps us answer the most important questions.
- Do you have a Core Problem with your Spine and Nerve System?
- If yes, can we help you solve that problem?
- How long is it going to take to fix that problem?
- How much is everything is going to cost?
We will sit down and discuss your results, answer any questions and concerns you might have and if you agree with your recommendations (provided we can help) give you your first check up and correction.
In case you're wondering what the examinations mean I've included a video about the analysis procedure and chiropractic.
- Dr. Kreso & Dr. Rachelle