Can we help you get your health on track?
Find out if our detailed, unique & proven approach to restoring health is right for you.
Free Training - Discover the problem most headache sufferers commonly overlook

Are you struggling with headaches, sciatica,
lower back pain or low energy?
Are you at the point where you've honestly tried your best but nothing you've done seems to help?
Could there be something else going on that you've never thought about?
Is it time to try something different?
Traditional chiropractors focus on fixing your health challenges by addressing your surface symptoms. There is nothing wrong with this approach; it's likely that it will help you feel and move better, however, it doesn't address the real problem.
After helping thousands of people just like you improve their health it has become clear that problems such as
headaches, sciatica, neck pain and low back pain are almost always collateral damage.
Our approach is different; at Gainsborough Family Chiropractic our comprehensive examination process is designed to see if you have a core problem with your spine and nerve system affecting you in ways you feel, but more importantly in ways that have not yet surfaced into problems or conditions.
If our objective tests identify a core problem in your spine and nervous system we will develop a customized plan that will both improve your symptoms and help ensure the problem doesn't return.
A consultation is a conversation, not a commitment. >>>
Since starting care at Gainsborough Family Chiropractic my energy is up. I’m happy. My boss has noticed the difference because I used to go out to my car and take a nap during lunchtime. Now I’m up in the morning and I’m up all day right until bedtime. I feel like I’m actually living!
Lindsay H.
Since starting care at Gainsborough Family Chiropractic the pain in my foot subsided and the grocery shopping became a breeze.
I was able to sit with my husband and watch a movie on a couch without feeling uncomfortable. I was sleeping better.
The acid reflux improved and I no longer need the prescription strength medication. I’ve been off the medication for 3 months now…
Alexandra C.
Since starting care at Gainsborough Family Chiropractic I’ve noticed that my sleep is better… including my dreams which have become much more vivid, my menopausal symptoms have lessened, my eyesight has actually improved (which sounds crazy I know), I have more focus and I just feel more like me.
Laura W.
Click on our smiling faces to learn more about us!
Have a question?
Our Promise To You
We promise to always give you a complementary consultation.
We promise not to waste your time, energy or money.
We promise to be honest even when the answer will be 'we don't know.'
We promise to be on time, so you can get to where you need to go on time.
We promise to help you find the right doctor that can help you, even if it's not us.
Click below to speak with one of our doctors to see if Gainsborough Family Chiropractic is the right place for you to get the care you need.
Phone: 519- 474- 3434
Address: 1570 Hyde Park Rd, London, ON N6H5L5
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